Jan Martens & Marc Vanrunxt


‘Lost is just another word for waiting to be found’
– Noah Charney

The artistic paths of dancers and choreographers Marc Vanrunxt and Jan Martens crossed regularly in the past and now come together in the form of a solo for Jan. Marc was already there in the early 80s, at the beginning of the innovative Flemish dance wave. Jan takes care of the succession and continuation, a couple of generations later.

For lostmovements they delve into their own vocabulary, and get inspired by the greats from past and present times: choreographers, composers and other role models. They create a new work, in which the focus lies on the motivation of movement. lostmovements is surrendering onself to the music, to the material, and to each other. Getting fully absorbed into the universe of the other.

In both Marc and Jans work, the focus lies more on the person dancing than on the dancer. It is only when one can re-invent her- or himself dancing that virtuosity can bubble up. A generous performance that seeks out extremes, floating between exuberance and extreme silence, between Pet Shop Boys and Penderecki.

The space is designed by visual artist Katleen Vinck. Mezzo soprano Els Mondelaers reworks existing pieces of music. The team is also strengthened by lighting designer Stef Alleweireldt and Marie-Anne Schotte for artistic advice during the creation process.


by Marc Vanrunxt & Jan Martens | with Jan Martens | space Katleen Vinck | lighting design Stef Alleweireldt | adaptation music Els Mondelaers | artistic advice Marie-Anne Schotte | text leaflet Lieve Dierckx & Rudi Meulemans | technical director Michel Spang | production Kunst/Werk & GRIP | international distribution A Propic / Line Rousseau & Marion Gauvent | co-production deSingel internationale kunstcampus Antwerpen | residenties STUK Leuven, O Espaço do Tempo Montemor-o-Novo | supported by the Flemish Government | thanks to Lynda Gaudreau & Truus Bronkhorst
Tue 5 Feb 2019 20:30
Wed 6 Feb 2019 20:30


STUK Soetezaal


€14 standard
€10 reduction

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Introduction Tu 5 Feb 20:00 STUK Auditorium