and then the doors opened again
Hoe zien cultuurzalen eruit na Covid-19? David Weber-Krebs vroeg het aan 75 mensen, en bundelde de antwoorden.
and then the doors opened again is a collective act of imagination about the possible futures of theatre written from the moment of the Covid-19 lockdown.
The project brings together 75 visions by artists, scholars, curators and spectators, created in response to a question sent to them by David Weber-Krebs in the middle of the first wave of Covid-19 in Europe: What will happen on your first theatre visit after the lockdown?
While being confined at home, David found himself thinking about the day when theatres would open their doors again. It somehow seemed impossible to picture this moment.
On April 8, 2020, he sent an e-mail to his peers and asked them a simple question: What will happen on your first theatre visit after the lockdown?
It was an invitation to imagine the future of theatre from this very specific moment when theatres were closed and it was not clear how, and when and even if they would open again.
and then the doors opened again is a compilation of imaginings about the future of theatre and a handbook for theatre after Covid-19.
You can buy and then the doors opened again at STUK Reception, or via the link below