
Lore Stessel
Book presentation: The Body Will Thrive [fully booked]
Book presentation with a short performance and artist talk.
Visual artist Lore Stessel, in residence at Cas-co since 2015, works on the border between photography and painting. A recurring subject in her practice is the body in movement and dance. A selection of her photographic works is now bundled in the artist book The Body will Thrive, a collaboration with graphic designer Geoffrey Brusatto and art historians Marie-Pascale Gildemyn and Nico Anklam.
The book will be presented in STUK with a short performance and an artist talk.
Talk Marie-Pascale Gildemyn & Lore Stessel | Dance Frank Gizycki, Jason Respilieux & Eva Honings
Mon 26 Oct 2020 19:00
Mon 26 Oct 2020 19:00
STUK Verbeeckzaal
More info
The book presentation is fully booked