
Burnt [ the eternal long now ]

Burnout usually is a very lonely experience. In Burnt [ the eternal long now ] Chen-Wei Lee and Zoltan Vakulya choreo­grap­hi­cally explore burnout as a social phenomenon. Because we collec­ti­vely endure, but also unwillingly allow and sustain burnout. Taking this reality as a point of departure, they create a dance that explores extreme fatigue in relation to others. The dancers drive themselves into exhaus­tion, both together and alone. Sweat and determi­na­tion are shared, eagerness feeds even more eagerness, and drives their common motor into overheat. The question we are left with is if the beauty of their efforts to support each other doesn’t tragically trigger their collec­tive downfall.


choreo­graphy LEE\VAKULYA | direction Zoltán Vakulya | perfor­mers Chen-Wei Lee, Jessica Simet, Esse Vander­bruggen | also created with & performed by Charlotte Petersen | music Gryllus Abris | dramaturgy Alice Van der Wielen-Honinckx & Zoltán Vakulya | light design Bert Vandijck & Xavi Moreno | decor & artistic support Ding-Jeh Wang | produc­tion kunsten­cen­trum nona | co-production CCNR Lyon, STUK Leuven, Voo?uit Gent, NTCH Taipei, Tanzplatt­form Rhein Main, L’animal a L’esquena Celra, Staats­the­ater Darmstadt, Thor Brussels
Thu 11 Jan 2024 20:30


STUK Soetezaal


€ 18/14

