Dance of the Seven Veils
Salomé has been turning heads with her infamous veil dance for centuries. Like many other female figures, her ultimate surrender to seduction was hatched by a series of male artists.
Dance of the Seven Veils strips Salomé of that dominant, sexualised male gaze and lets this incarnation of lust reveal and conceal her inner contradictions. An unveiled Salomé dances her dance: the inescapability of human primal forces on a silver platter.
Director Aïda Gabriëls invites musicians Colin H. Van Eeckhout (CHVE & Amenra) and Pieter-Jan Van Assche (Innerwoud) together with soprano Astrid Stockman for a sweltering banquet beyond the boundaries of their own genre.
Fuelled by their multilayered soundscape, German Jauregui joins the entourage for a dance, releasing primal forces, desires and fears. Visual artist Rui Barros manipulates and gets manipulated by his very own creations.
A collaboration of 30CC & STUK
Regisseur Aïda Gabriels gidst je door de voorstelling in onderstaande video.
Herlees ook het interview met Aïda in De Morgen.
MOMO create - Dance of the Seven Veils from Muziektheater Transparant on Vimeo.
concept and direction Aïda Gabriels libretto Ylona Supèr with Astrid Stockman, Colin H. Van Eeckhout en Innerwoud live scenography Rui Barros dramaturgy Ylona Supèr en Tessa Vannieuwenhuyze costumes Noa Kapchitz en Kjell De Meersman light design Davy Deschepper dance German Jauregui production Oester co-production Muziektheater Transparant, Ancienne Belgique, LOD muziektheater, Perpodium in collaboration with Kunstencentrum Vooruit en Inspiratum/Axel Vervoordt with the support of de Tax Shelter van de Belgische Federale Overheid presentatie 30CC en STUK
€ 22/18 (tier 1)
€ 20/16 (tier 2)
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