
Unfolding Fase

The expo Unfolding Fase unfolds the choreography and history of the performance Fase, Four Movements to the Music of Steve Reich.

‘A form for the future, in its infinite beginning’ (Jean-Marc Adolphe on Fase, 1998)

The expo Unfolding Fase unfolds the choreography and history of the performance Fase, Four Movements to the Music of Steve Reich.

Archival material outlines the origins and lifespan of the performance - first from Brussels to New York and back, and then all around the world. Using notebooks and drawn diagrams, Anne Teresa De Keersmaeker gives an insight into the principles and structures on which the four parts of the performance are built, while dancers from the different generations share their insights about the peculiarities and challenges of performing and passing on Fase. An impressive video installation makes both the persistent heartbeat of the performance and the passing of time palpable.

Steve Reich's installation Pendulum Music illustrates one of the procedures he explored in his work: music created as a result of microphones penduluming above speakers, producing feedback sound. After the pendulum is set in motion by humans, the mechanics take over. The installation will be activated regularly in the expo.


➤ From 20.02 to 09.03
➤ Opening hours:
20.02 - 09.03: from 14:00 - 18:00 (open until 22:30 on evenings with an evening performance)
Closed on Sunday 23.02 and Sunday 02.03

➤ Expozaal
➤ Free of charge


Coordination: Delphine Hesters

Concept and realisation:
Delphine Hesters, Ilse Van Essche, Hennie Roukaerts, Marina Srnka, Anne Heyman and Babs Boey (STUK)
Anne Teresa De Keersmaeker, Lieze Eneman, Sara Jansen, Marie Vynckier (Rosas)

Fri 21 Feb 2025 14:00 - Sun 9 Mar 2025 18:00


STUK Expozaal



More info

Closed on Sunday 23.02 and Sunday 02.03