Dance   /   Sound
Begüm Erciyas

Forest Silent Gathering

A lis­te­ning ses­si­on at sun­set reflec­ting on the bonds bet­ween peo­p­le, forests and histories.

➤ Date 25.05.22 & 26.05.22 → 20:00
➤ Tickets: €14 / €10 reduction (STUK card or KU Leuven Culture Card)
➤ Duration: 120 min. (including a walk to the performance location in the forest from the Meeting point and back). Duration performance: 70 min.
➤ Address: Meerdaalwoud, Onthaalzone De Speelberg, Weertsedreef 16, 3051 Sint-Joris-Weert
➤ The performance takes place in the forest at sunset. Please wear suitable footwear - we will walk through the forest, but stay on the paths. At the Meeting point you will receive the coordinates of the exact location of the performance in the forest.
➤ Accessibility: Unfortunately, the performance is not accessible for wheelchair users

For Begüm Erciyas’ and Matthias Meppelink’s new per­for­man­ce Forest Silent Gathering, a group of audien­ce mem­bers meet insi­de a forest at sun­set and fol­low a sound­track through headp­ho­nes. An audio-soci­al archi­tec­tu­re is cre­a­ted, in which one can pos­si­bly be alo­ne together. Changing dis­tan­ces invi­te to find new proxi­mi­ties. Absent figu­res beco­me pro­ta­go­nists. As the com­mu­nal spa­ce takes sha­pe and trans­forms, Forest Silent Gathering makes us reflect on the bonds bet­ween peo­p­le, forests and his­to­ries. What is it that keeps us together?


Direction Begüm Erciyas | Sound design Eric Desjeux | Artistic collaboration Matthias Meppelink, Jean-Baptiste Veyret Logerias, Maru Mushtrieva | Dramaturgy David Weber-Krebs & Jonas Rutgeerts | Research Sara Manente, Ayşe Orhon | Prop design Günbike Erdemir | Production Hiros | Co-production DE SINGEL, STUK, Arcadia 2022, PACT Zollverein, Platform 0090, Kunstenwerkplaats KWP, Münchner Kammerspiele | With the support of de Vlaamse Overheid | Thanks to Min Kyoung Lee, Homo Novus Festival, Musica Impulscentrum voor Muziek
Wed 25 May 2022 20:00
Thu 26 May 2022 20:00


  • Onthaalzone De Speelberg
  • Weertsesdreef 16
  • 3051 Sint-Joris-Weert


€14 standard
€10 reduction (STUK Card or KU Leuven Culture Card)