Cie Tartaren / Roel Goyens


© Cie Tartaren

In Bas' world, the voices that desperately try to get in touch with him are background noise - at best. The muzzled attempts smash the occasional hole in the ruins that enclose him, but they never tear down the walls. Bas keeps on floating in the twilight zone between delusion and reality, respons and isolation.

Kopschuif is a unique collaboration between Roel Goyens and social-artistic theatre company Cie Tartaren. Starting from the psychiatric past of his actors and conversations with specialists, the director dives into a surreal world that could be the bitter truth for some tormented souls. In a space where communication is a challenge, Kopschuif opens the debate that brings together patient, caregiver and viewer.

The evening starts with a lecture by Dr. Zeno Van Duppen (Universitair Psychiatrisch Centrum KU Leuven) and the screening is followed by an aftertalk with director and makers.

2019, 16’07’’, Dutch, English subtitles
Screenplay: Roel Goyens - Composer: Marina Elderton - DoP: Laurens De Geyter - Editor: Bram Rabaey - Art Director: Nico Cauwenberghs - Sound: Arnout Colaert - Actors: Cedric Denayer, Toni Vandenplas, Soetkin Claes, Lieve Matthijs, Jacques Bollens, Ursula Coene, Saskia Jacobs, Jeroen Leenders - Producer: Compagnie Tartaren - Production Assistant: Leen van Nunen

Pictures © Joeri Thiry / STUK

Thu 20 Feb 2020 20:00





