Re.Dancing - a video-choreo-game
Choreograph your own visual collage in an interactive installation.
in collaboration with Contredanse
Contredanse's participatory installation Re.Dancing, invites you to view short film clips from dance archives with different eyes and attention, by manipulating and transforming them into a unique compilation. Using two game controllers - alone or in pairs - you can cut, paste, overlap, loop, slow down and speed up images. The result is a dynamic and stimulating flux of images.
In Body of Work, STUK installs two versions of Re.Dancing. In the reception area, the console contains clips from the wider history of dance. The console in the STUK café starts from the visual and movement material of Fase, Four Movements to the Music of Steve Reich and explores visual associations with other dance and everyday movements.
Re.Dancing is based on the software Touché - Real Time Video Editing Playground and was developed by Baptiste Andrien and Florence Corin of Contredanse, in collaboration with US choreographer Lisa Nelson.
Brussels-based organisation Contredanse exists since 1984 and promotes dance through documenting, preserving, publishing, informing, and organising training and events.
➤ 20.02 - 09.03 from 14:00 - 18:00
Closed on Sunday 23.02 and Sunday 02.03
➤ In the reception and in the STUKcafé
➤ Free of charge
Realisation Re.Dancing: Baptiste Andrien, Florence Corin (Contredanse), in collaboration with Lisa Nelson
Realisation STUK: Hennie Roukaerts and Delphine Hesters
in collaboration with Contredanse
More info
Closed on Sunday 23.02 and Sunday 02.03