© Bea Borgers
Mette Ingvartsen / Great Investment


RUSH is a solo performance for Manon Santkin that draws on 20 years of collaboration and performance within the choreographic work of Mette Ingvartsen. A celebration of an intense and long-lasting collaboration and a tribute to the act of performing itself, the piece creates a headlong rush of performance by reactivating and rewilding highlights from past works. Rush sees artistic practice as a form of wilderness in need of protection, as an ecosystem that the two collaborators can look back on as a crystallisation of their joint work. Manon Santkin revisits and performs material and scores from past performances, reshaping them through storytelling and narration. Like a chameleon, her body transforms as she passes through an intimate history, performing her own story within a larger body of work. A fine mesh of relations are evoked between the monstrous qualities of Manual Focus, the natural environments of The Artificial Nature Project, and the sexual politics of to come and 7 Pleasures, alongside a plethora of other works. Out of these connections emerges a surprising chronology, a rush of energy that captures the detail and pleasures of performing.

Co-financed by the Creative Europe programme of the European Union in the frame of DANCE ON, PASS ON, DREAM ON


Concept & choreography Mette Ingvartsen | With Manon Santkin | Choreographic assistant Thomas Bîrzan | Technical direction & light design Hans Meijer | Sound technician and sound design Milan Van Doren | Technician Jan-Simon De Lille | Music Will Guthrie, Peter Lenaerts, Gregorio Allegri, Gene Krupa and Buddy Rich, Benny Goodman | Management Ruth Collier | Production and administration officer Joey Ng | Communication Jeroen Goffings | Production Great Investment vzw | Co-production STUK co-financed by the Creative Europe programme of the European Union as part ofDANCE ON PASS ON DREAM ON , VIERNULVIER, Montpellier Danse 2024, Tanzquartier Wien, Charleroi danse centre chorégraphique de Wallonie – Bruxelles, SPRING, CND Centre national de la danse, Perpodium | Great Investment is supported by The Flemish Authorities, Tax Shelter of the Belgian Federal Government, The Danish Arts Council & The Flemish Community Commission (VGC)
Thu 1 Feb 2024 20:30


STUK Soetezaal


€ 18/14