Michiel Vandevelde, Philippe Thuriot & Platform-K

The Goldberg Variations

The Goldberg Variations is known to us as Bach’s famous musical composition, but in contemporary dance history the title also refers to the iconic solo by Steve Paxton. Paxton is known for his solo improvisations and as the initiator of contact improvisation, a dance form where touch is central.
In collaboration with Oscar Stalpaert of Platform-K, a Ghent-based company for dancers with a disability, and French ballet dancer Audrey Merilus, choreographer Michiel Vandevelde sets to work with these materials. Together they examine forty years of developments within various dance practices. Where is dance today, politically and socially? How open, democratic and accessible is dance? Which body images do we prefer to see - or rather not see? Three bodies explore the potential of dance, searching for perfection in imperfection.

Accordeonist Philippe Thuriot transposed Bach's music to accordeon in 2015 and performs it live: an interesting mix of classical music, jazz and his parents' café.

Pictures © Tom Callemin

"This is my first dance performance and I'm very excited. I'm still not sure why Michiel asked me."

Oskar Stalpaert, dancer with Down Syndrome


Choreography Michiel Vandevelde | Dance Oskar Stalpaert, Michiel Vandevelde en Audrey Merilus | Music Philippe Thuriot | Scenography Michiel Vandevelde, met ondersteuning van Tom Callemin | Dramaturgy Kristof van Baarle | Costumes Tutia Schaad | Assistance costumes Camil Krings | Technicians Maxim Van Meerhaeghe en Ferre Carron | Light advice Tom Bruwier | Production Platform-K | Co-production Vooruit & KAAP | With the support of Vlaamse Overheid, Nationale Loterij, Stad Gent, Konekt, de Koning Boudewijnstichting | Thanks to Campo & Kaaitheater
Tue 13 Oct 2020 20:30
Tue 13 Oct 2020 20:30
Wed 14 Oct 2020 20:30
Wed 14 Oct 2020 20:30


STUK Soetezaal


€14 standard
€10 STUKcard / culture card KU Leuven