Mette Ingvartsen

to come (extended)

Through advertising, films, and the internet, we are constantly confronted with images of sexualised bodies. Every form of intimacy is eroticised and commercialised. Bare breasts, bodily fluids, and backsides are no longer the preserve of dark hidden corners, but are part of our daily lives and influence our behaviour. to come (extended) investigates the disappearing boundary between private and public space and with it our sexual identity.

In a sensual choreography, we see fifteen performers pulsing rhythmically, wrapped in tight blue bodysuits, reducing their bodies to abstract shapes. In this way, they dissect the dynamics of an orgasm by slowing down to an extreme, then boosting the rhythm again like a music score. to come (extended) takes a critical look at the notions of ‘individual sexual freedom’ and the ‘pornification of pleasure’.


concept & choreography Mette Ingvartsen | performance Johanna Chemnitz, Katja Dreyer, Bruno Freire, Bambam Frost, Ghyslaine Gau, Elias Girod, Gemma Higginbotham, Dolores Hulan, Jacob Ingram-Dodd, Anni Koskinen, Olivier Muller, Calixto Neto, Danny Neyman, Norbert Pape & Hagar Tenenbaum | stand-ins Alberto Franceschini, Maia Maens & Manon Santkin | based on to come (2005) | by & with Mette Ingvartsen, Naiara Mendioroz Azkarate, Manon Santkin, Jefta Van Dinther & Gabor Varga | light design Jens Sethzman | musical arrangements Adrien Gentizon | musical arrangements by Peter Lenaerts | scene Mette Ingvartsen & Jens Sethzman | blue costumes Jennifer Defays | dramaturgy Tom Engels | lindyhop teachers Jill De Muelenaere & Clinton Stringer | technical direction Hans Meijer | production Mette Ingvartsen / Great Investment | co-production Volksbühne (berlin), Steirischer Herbst Festival (graz), kunstencentrum Buda (Kortrijk), festival d’automne (Paris), les spectacles vivants – centre pompidou (Paris), dansehallerne (Copenhagen), ccn2 - centre chorégraphique national de Grenoble, dansens hus (Oslo), spring performing arts festival (Utrecht), next / le phénix scène nationale valenciennes pôle européen de création | supported by de Vlaamse Overheid en the Danish arts council
Thu 7 Mar 2019 20:00
Fri 8 Mar 2019 20:00




Tier 1
€ 25 Standard
€ 21 STUK card
Tier 2

€ 21 Standard
€ 17 STUK card