In the mechanisms of classical conflict, myths often create clarity. If we omit the daily noise of news reports and opinions, myths can offer insights into humankind’s tragic actions. In Blush(2002), we saw Vandekeybus’ fascination with the universal power of ancient myths through the figures of Orpheus and Eurydice. His new creation, TrapTown, takes you to a parallel universe stripped of defined time and space. Primary conflicts dominate; the necessity, possibility, and impossibility of emancipation are imminent. Texts by Pieter De Buysser inform this dance mythology. A cinematic soundtrack by Trixie Whitley and the Brussels band Phoenician Drive, which transports the audience through oracles, melancholy, purification and euphoria, enhances the performance.
direction, choreography & film Wim Vandekeybus | by & with Ultima Vez Performers | text Pieter De Buysser | music Trixie Whitley & Phoenician Drive | artistic assistance & dramaturgy Aïda Gabriëls | styling Isabelle Lhoas | assistant styling Isabelle De Cannière | light design Davy Deschepper & Wim Vandekeybus | sound director Bram Moriau | production Ultima Vez | co-production kvs (brussel) | supported by tax shelter maatregel van de belgische federale overheid, casa kafka pictures tax shelter empowered by Belfius | ultima vez is supported by de Vlaamse regering & de Vlaamse gemeenschapscommissie van het Brussels hoofdstedelijk gewestLocation
TIER 1 | € 30 | € 26 |
TIER 2 | € 26 | € 22 |
More info
workshop Ultima Vez
We 28 Nov 14:00-16:00
info & apply via this link
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