
Wiki-editathon: Dance Heritage

Join this collective writing session and contribute to a more visible place for dance heritage on the world's most consulted encyclopaedia.

In collaboration with meemoo (Vlaams instituut voor het archief)

Does something exist if it is not on Wikipedia? The world's largest and most accessible encyclopaedia seems endless and is an indispensable source of information, but there are still many topics that are not or not adequately covered. Wiki-editathons are collective writing sessions aimed at redressing this.

During Body of Work, the festival for living dance heritage, the Verbeeckzaal will be transformed into an editorial office for a day, in collaboration with meemoo. During this writing session, together we fill gaps in knowledge about dancers, companies, organisations or central concepts of dance history on Wikipedia.

The new issue of Etcetera on dance heritage and some research projects of UGent and Universiteit Antwerpen will provide a content framework and a starting point for lemmas and relevant sources.

Will you help make information about our dance heritage more accessible to the next generation of dance lovers? We will provide inspiration, source materials, good company and lots of coffee. You bring your own laptop.


➤ Wednesday 26.02
➤ 10:00 - 16:00
➤ Verbeeckzaal
➤ Free with reservation via email to delphine.hesters@stuk.be
➤ Language: Dutch
➤ We provide free lunch, coffee and refreshments
➤ Bring your own laptop!


➤ 10:00 - 11:00: Introduction on Wikipedia and how to write encyclopaedic articles, by Bart Magnus (meemoo)
➤ 11:00 - 11:30: Introduction of possible topics and sources in this dance heritage editathon
➤ 11:30 - 12:30: First practice exercises on Wikipedia (e.g. making an addition to an existing page or providing a translation into Dutch of available foreign-language information)
➤ 12:30 - 13:30: Lunch break
➤ 13:30 - 16:00: Writing


Workshop and facilitation: Bart Magnus (meemoo)
Facilitation: Geert Van Paemel (Wikimedia België) and Staf Vos (CEMPER)
Thanks to: Etcetera, Annelies Van Assche (UGent), Timmy De Laet (University of Antwerp)

Wed 26 Feb 2025 10:00 - 16:00


STUK Verbeeckzaal


Free with reservation via email to delphine.hesters@stuk.be