Feest van de Filosofie • Thema: Intieme vreemden
with a.o. Lea Ipy, Paul Verhaeghe, Ernst Wolff, Paul Van Tongeren
The entire Philosophy Festival is in Dutch.
The theme of this year's Philosophy Festival is strangeness and intimacy. Sometimes familiar can become strange. A friend or partner disappears from our life. An illness shows the impersonality of the body. Neighbours become sworn enemies. But what was strange can become familiar. That shift rarely goes by itself; hard work is needed. The alien repels at first. Consecutive migration waves bring 'strangers' into our intimacy. After their punishment, inmates reappear in society.
This year, the Festival takes place in the Higher Institute for Philosophy. With Lea Ipy, Paul Verhaeghe, Ernst Wolff, Paul Van Tongeren, Tamar de Waal, Mark Elchardus, Farah Focquaert, Pieter De Witte and others. An arts route will be organised by the HIW, curatoed by Bart Geerts. Children are welcome for the philosophy workshop.
- Kardinaal Mercierplein 2
- 3000 Leuven
15 € standard
10 € students
7 € STUK card or Culture Card KU Leuven
More info
You can only buy tickets in presale through STUK, via the ticket link above. On the day itself (2/04) you can also buy tickets at the counter in the HIW from 13:15 until 13:30.
Je ticket is de hele dag geldig, gelieve het bij te houden.Your ticket is valid all day, please keep hold of it.