
Ongehoord/Human Ecology – Recente internationale Evoluties inzake klimaat

Lecture in Dutch

Speakers: Jos Delbeke (former Climate director-general for the EU, KULeuven) & John Vandaele (MO*)
Moderator: Ine Renson (De Standaard)

Climate concern is on the rise. Every year, more people want to do something about their ecological footprint: they stop using a car, fly less, eat less meat (or none at all) and look for sustainable energy solutions. In Belgium, thousands of people (adults and youths) take to the street to demand climate measures from the government. At the same time, we read that discarded cars are moved to Africa, tons of new airplanes are bought all over the world, and the demand for meat is at its peak. In France and other European countries, Yellow Jackets stand up against expensive climate measures.

Questions on the scope of our efforts arise. Can local, individual actions make a difference when governments don't cooperate? How can a small, ageing continent like Europe impact the global climate policy? Which partnerships really help on a global scale? These and other questions are answered by Jos Delbeke (former director-general for the Climate at the EU, KU Leuven) and John Vandaele (MO*).

Organisation: Masereelfonds, MO*, Oikos, CEO and Climaxi, in collaboration with STUK

Mon 1 Apr 2019 20:00


STUK Auditorium


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