REPETITION (cancelled)
After consultation with the company and the co-producers of REPETITION, the performance has been cancelled. Despite a positive rating, the company did not receive project subsidies. Therefore, the financial means are insufficient to finish the production in the right circumstances. The premiere is postponed to fall 2019, and the performance will be shown in STUK in October 2019 (exact date tbc).
All tickets will be reimbursed - ticket buyers will be contacted directly.
How can we hold on in an increasingly technologised world? REPETITION is a dance performance instigated by a rotating light sculpture. It defines not only rhythm, space and light, but also the movements of Palestinian-American dancer Tarek Halaby. How can a body move when it is choreographed by a perfectly working machine? But precisely that limitation of freedom can lead to something new, something creative, something human. Engineer-architect Karel Burssens sees architecture, design, fashion and art as intertwined worlds. REPETITION brings those fascinations together in his first installation performance. What will rule the future; perfect machines, or the power of human creativity?
concept Karel Burssens | sculpture Karel Burssens | choreography Karel Burssens & Tarek Halaby | performance Karel Burssens | music Karel Burssens & Daniel Brandt | music performance Daniel Brandt | costume design Max Doerr | light Karel Burssens & Cate Carter / Jan Ceuppens | light design Cate Carter / Jan Ceuppens | dramaturgical research Kristof Van Baarle | dans dramaturgy Femke Gyselinck | outside eye Jeroen Verrecht | production hiros | co-production desingel, c-takt, STUK huis voor dans, beeld & geluidLocation
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stuk productionKarel Burssens - Currents
Karel Burssens & Tarek Halabi work on their new project Currents, which will be performed at STUK on Thursday 3 October.
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