Dance   /   Sound   /   Concert
Logos Robotorkest + Tout Petit + Spiral Consort

STUK family performance

Three mini performances for all ages.

Music with conches, a robot orchestra and two spinning dancers: STUK presents a family spectacle with three small performances for children and adults alike. The quartet Spiral Consort brings playful compositions with real natural shells, inspired by jazz, brassband, classical and baroque music. Dance company tout petit takes you on a virtuoso game of turning patterns, propelled by a pulsating soundscape. The one and only Logos Robotorkest rounds off the afternoon with short compositions for automatic musical instruments.

ENTRANCE only via Schapenstraat.
This evening is sold out, there will be no tickets at the door.
Wearing a face mask is mandatory at all times, also during the shows.
Please find all safety measures in our FAQ.


The entire programme takes around 45 minutes.

Logos Robotorkest - Kristof Lauwers, Study #8, for <Psch> (3'30")
Tout Petit - DRAAI (15’)
Logos Robotorkest - Godfried-Willem Raes, Block Temple (3')
Spiral Consort (15’)
Logos Robotorkest - Kristof Lauwers, Study #18 voor klein robot kwartet (6')

This event is part of the programme De Anderhalvemetersessies, the grand finale of De Zomer van 2020 – Samen in Leuven, a summer mix of music, theatre, film, family events and guided tours. Tickets go on sale 17 July at 10:00 via or at Visit Leuven, Naamsestraat 3, in Leuven.

Sun 23 Aug 2020 11:00
Sun 23 Aug 2020 14:00


STUK Binnenplein



Bijkomende info

TICKETS on sale 17 JULY 10:00
via this link

Very limited capacity

Think in bubble, buy in bubble, sit in bubble. We organize our seating plan according to your reservation.
Do you want to sit together? Please make 1 reservation for your entire bubble, and arrive together at the event. The STUK hosts will guide you to your spots.