Dance   /   Sound   /   Concert   /   Nightlife


STUK wraps up the season with a party for all ages! We kick off at 7pm with a delicious bbq, a truly unique fun fair, a pancake-spinning dj and one big singalong. The feast will turn into a full-on festival at 9pm with surprising, out-of-this-world musical acts. Around midnight, we really go into party mode with a big clubSTUK, curated by our friends of nacht.

Allez, Chantez ● BBQ ● Borokov Borokov ● clubSTUK : Tasker - re:ni - Kuba - Thibo (curated by nacht) ● Shht ● Deejay Pancake ● Scorpio40 ● De Genoten ● La plus grande kermesse du monde ● Maniok ● Vrebeaus

19:00→21:00 - STUK BINNENPLEIN

Start the evening with a festive summer meal! Don’t forget to book your bbq ticket in advance via (€15), that way our chef knows how much food is needed!

Deejay Pancake
20:00→21:00 & 23:00→00:00 - STUKCAFÉ
Still hungry? Our dj takes care of music ànd dessert! Louis ‘Deejay Pancake’ Vanhaverbeke uses his turntables as cookers, resulting in a mix that is danceable as well as edible! Seeing is believing.

● La Plus Grande Kermesse du monde
19:00→02:00 - STUK LABOZAAL
Get lucky at this free fun fair with a twist. Try games like Tiger in a tropical storm and cash in your points for truly original prizes. With a bit of luck, you’ll walk home with an ubercool Hawaii shirt or a vintage cap.

● Allez, Chantez!
21:00→21:50 - STUK BINNENPLEIN
Let your energy flow with a collective singing session led by a singing coach. Experience, talent or foreknowledge are not required, your singing booklet and a bit of enthusiasm is all you need! For everyone who arrives before 9PM, STUK donates €3 to Allez, Chantez!

● Shht
22:00→22:40 - STUK BINNENPLEIN
Space rock for the new generation. This wicked Leuven-Ghent band serves you a danceable tribute set full of guilty pleasures. Their wayward, eclectic sound is influenced by Kanye West, The Beatles and Jesus Christ - their words. Shht have a patent on energetic, crazy live shows, often ending in mosh pits or polonaises. Especially for STUK, they bring a very personal ode to their favourite pop anthems.

● Borokov Borokov
Four Antwerp madmen who party as if there were no tomorrow. Borokov Borokov were named after a cocktail with 2 identical ingredients (cheap vodka), and love song titles that translate as Has anyone seen my children or If only I had more days off. Their live shows go from slow, sticky electronica to high tempo synth pop, with the odd acid flashback. A sympathetic mindfuck. Standing still is not an option.

● De Genoten
00:00→00:30 — STUK BINNENPLEIN
TRIBUTE is a choreography by Katie Vickers (P.A.R.T.S.). In a delirious daydream, 15 male dancers explore the universe of their deceased pop idols. Prepare for a rollercoaster of emotions, uncut dance pleasure and an ode to pop music. Prince meets Bowie meets Freddie meets Michael ...

● ClubSTUK : Tasker - re:ni - Kuba - Thibo (curated by nacht)
In the Ensemblezaal, our friends of nacht will make you dance till you drop - ideally around sunrise. nacht residents Kuba and Thibo will warm up the dancefloor for Brit duo Tasker and re:ni. They bring a selection of cutting edge electronic music that will take you on a ride until dawn.

● Scorpio40
00:00→03:00 - STUKCAFÉ
40 years of music history in a very danceable dj set: our idea of a birthday bash - in this case, Radio Scorpio’s 40th birthday. Logically, one (former) Scorpio legend per decade will spin the records. Your hosts of the night: radio heroes Luc Tirez (Radio 2) and Jan Heymans (De Pré Historie), drum & bass master Wontime and the brand-new Leuven radio collective Kaka di Funk.

● Maniok / Vrebeaus
03:00→05:00 & 05:00→06:00 - STUKCAFÉ
DJ Maniok, Leuven/Brussels’ most funky and groovy selektor, guides you to the dark of the night. For the first tracks at dawn, you’re in good hands with house, disco and funk connoisseur Vrebeaus.

Wed 29 May 2019 19:00 - Thu 30 May 2019
Wed 29 May 2019 19:00 - Thu 30 May 2019
Wed 29 May 2019 19:00 - Thu 30 May 2019




At the door


More info

For everyone who arrives before 9pm, STUK donates €3 to Allez, Chantez!


Doors 19:00

During STUK Eindfeest, the only entrance is via Naamsestraat 96.
Bike parking
on the courtyard of Van Dalecollege, Naamsestraat 80.