Hans Beckers - La Floresta - Artefact Sound 23

Flemish sound artist Hans Beckers creates a meditative installation performance with self-made instruments, together with musicians Berlinde Deman, Nathan Daems & Indre Jurgelevičiūtė

Sound artist Hans Beckers looks for silence and focus in La Floresta. Making use of leaves, stones, sand, shells and water, Beckers travels back to the roots of music, when people used natural elements for sound creation. The balance between man, nature and technology is key in this installation performance. How do we experience silence in these technological times? The audience is seated in the middle of the work and is invited to listen with focus to detailed sounds that would normally pass us by. The result is a meditative soundscape, a musical ritual that sharpens our consciousness. Hans Beckers will be joined by musicians Berlinde Deman (Flat Earth Society), Nathan Daems (Black Flower) & Indre Jurgelevičiūtė (Merope) for a week-long residency followed by a try-out.

Presentation Sunday 18 June 2023 as part of Artefact Sound 23.