Wilhelm Groener - Performing Archive

During our residency at STUK, we’ll be busy with our new long-term project Performing Archive. It is a (re)search field which aims to formulate advanced and playful strategies in revisiting and cultivating our body of work and find ways of sustainability and new ´playgrounds` within it.

Which possibilities, intersection and possible new links may emerge from that contradiction between the two terms—the static and anachronistic sounding ´Archive/archival` and the dynamic and ephemeral sounding ´Performance/performative`.

Which methodical and systematical developments and movements may be developed from that activity of (re)search, (re)collection, (re)animation,(re)discovery, (re)creation, (re)arrangement of our means. And is possibly the looking-back the new looking-forward in our fast running and fast changing era?

In the time at STUK we would like to open up proving grounds for these questions with a multilayered movement- and discourse-oriented practice.

Artist Mariola Groener and dancer Günther Wilhelm have been joining their names and arts under the WILHELM GROENER label since 2001.

Their interdisciplinary approach generates a performative-choreographic oeuvre, which unfolds between stage performances, site-specific works, lectures, and exhibitions. So far WILHELM GROENER’s oeuvre covers over two dozen stage works (e.g. Paravent privé and Hotel Hassler, both invited to the Tanzplattform Deutschland), numerous stations of their ongoing performance project 33 SKIZZEN (e.g. at Akademie der Künste, Berlin; Center for Contemporary Art, Plovdiv/BG; Sammlung Prinzhorn, Heidelberg; Wilhelm-Hack-Museum, Ludwigshafen), several video works, art editions and publications.


