Body of Work — Unfolding Fase

Thu 20 Feb - Sun 09 Mar 2025

STUK launches Body of Work: a festival for living dance heritage that breathes new life into dance performances by sharing them with a fresh generation of creators, dancers, and audiences. During this first edition of the festival, the performance Fase, Four Movements to the Music of Steve Reich by Rosas is the focal point.


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More about the first Body of Work edition: Unfolding Fase

With the iconic performance Fase, Four Movements to the Music of Steve Reich, 21-year-old Anne Teresa De Keersmaeker promptly put herself on the map in 1982. This early work already mirrored what will prove so characteristic of the oeuvre the choreographer has been building with Rosas for more than 40 years: tight patterns combined with pure dance pleasure and an ever-renewing love story between dance and music.

From 20.02 to 09.03, STUK will build the very first edition of Body of Work, its new festival for living dance heritage, entirely around Fase. After all, a dance performance can only continue to exist if it is danced over and over again, in the here and now, and passed on to new generations of audiences and dancers. The heritage of dance is embodied, dynamic, multi-voiced and very much alive!

With Body of Work - Unfolding Fase, we invite various audiences to (re)discover this classic, through an expo featuring pieces from the Rosas archive, video work and the voices of different generations of Fase dancers, through blind dates between dancers and musicians, through lectures (from an academic lesson to an introductory ABC of contemporary dance) and through dance and rhythm workshops. Collaborations with Dansvloer, SLAC, Kunsthumaniora Lemmens, WISPER, bricol'art and Straatrijk encourage Leuven dancers and musicians of all ages to engage with the work themselves, and all Leuveners are invited to a Slow Walk. Dancing starts with walking!

In partnership with
Rosas, Opera Ballet Vlaanderen, 30CC, KU Leuven, Dansvloer, Straatrijk, Kunsthumaniora Lemmensinstituut, Academie SLAC Leuven, Contredanse, P.A.R.T.S., meemoo, Etcetera, bricol’art, WISPER, Cinema ZED and Ictus

Thanks to
Body of Work is realised with the support of the Flemish Community, City of Leuven, 30CC, Fintro and Life Long Burning - Futures Lost and Found, co-funded by the European Union.