Expo   /   Sound   /   Lecture

Artist talk with Floris Vanhoof

Artist talk in BAC ART LAB KU Leuven with artist Floris Vanhoof


An Roovers has to cancel her artist talk due to illness. Therefore the first part of the artist talk in the Botanical Garden will not take place - we start immediately in BAC ART LAB.

Floris Vanhoof's artist talk will take a bit longer, and start at 19:00.

➤ Date 12.05.22 → 19:00
➤ Address: BAC ART LAB KU Leuven, Vital Decosterstraat 102, 3000 Leuven
➤ Free with reservation (via this link or below)
➤ Language: Dutch
➤ Accessibility: BAC ART LAB KU Leuven is not wheelchair accessible.


19:00 Start (BAC ART LAB KU Leuven)
19:00 Talk Floris Vanhoof (BAC ART LAB KU Leuven)
20:00 End + drink

Floris Vanhoof is a ver­sa­ti­le Antwerp-based media artist and musi­cian. He trans­forms home­ma­de musi­cal cir­cuits and old pro­jec­tors into instal­la­ti­ons, expand­ed cine­ma, per­for­man­ces, films and music relea­ses. By trans­la­ting one medi­um into ano­ther, he explo­res how our per­cep­ti­on works and how new per­spec­ti­ves emer­ge. For the sound art exhi­bi­ti­on Hear Here, Floris Vanhoof cre­a­ted the instal­la­ti­on Antenna in BAC ART LAB KU Leuven. This grand pia­no crow­ned with hexa­go­nal anten­na is play­ed by invi­si­ble elec­tro­mag­ne­tic radi­a­ti­ons, like radio or smartpho­ne sig­nals. With Antenna, Vanhoof wan­ted to pla­ce an ancient mecha­ni­cal instru­ment in an era whe­re all things are wire­les­sly con­nec­ted, and see and hear how such an object reac­ts to it.

An Roovers
is a Belgian visu­al artist resi­ding in the Cas-co stu­dios in Leuven sin­ce 2020. Her fas­ci­na­ti­on for natu­re, tra­di­ti­on and his­to­ry trans­la­tes into an int­ui­ti­ve sculp­tu­ral prac­ti­ce that can best be descri­bed as three-dimen­si­o­nal dra­wings. Earth/​clay is the raw mate­ri­al for Roovers’ per­so­nal mini­ma­lis­tic oeu­vre that is both poe­tic and soci­al­ly enga­ged. In her lec­tu­re, Roovers will ela­bo­ra­te on her prac­ti­ce and the work LAAN, an in-situ work that can be found in the Kruidtuin during the sound art exhi­bi­ti­on Hear Here.

Organised by STUK — House for Dance, Image & Sound in col­la­bo­ra­ti­on with Let’s Talk Leuven, KU Leuven Dienst Cultuur, Cas-co, BAC ART LAB KU Leuven & Kruidtuin

Thu 12 May 2022 19:00


STUK op locatie : BAC ART LAB KU Leuven
  • Vital Decosterstraat 102
  • -
  • 3000 Leuven
