And So You See ...
With the abolition of apartheid, South Africa established a new constitution in 1996 to ensure social and racial equality. Despite this, today the country still contends with homophobia, gender inequality and an aversion to anyone who deviates from the mainstream. In And so you see ... our honourable blue sky and ever-enduring sun ... can only be consumed slice by slice ... multidis- ciplinary artist Robyn Orlin challenges the history and traditions of her native country. Orlin collaborates with Albert Ibokwe Khoza, a young gay performer from Soweto. In this performance he embodies the seven deadly sins related to discrimination in contemporary South Africa. Shameless, grotesque, funny, loving and, at times, endearing, he swings between gluttony and anger. And so you see ... is a requiem for humanity.
Photos © Jérome Séron
Choreography Robyn Orlin | Performance Albert Silindokuhle Ibokwe Khoza | Costume design Marianne Fassler | Light design Laïs Foulc | Production Robyn Orlin Production City Theater & Dance Group | Distribution Damien Valette | Co-production City Theater & Dance Group, Festival Montpellier Danse 2016, Festival d’Automne - Paris, Kinneksbond / Centre Culturel Mamer - Luxembourg, Centre Dramatique National de Haute-Normandie & La Ferme du Buisson / Scène nationale - Marne-la-Vallée | With the support of Arcadi Île-de-FranceLocation
More info
4.2: Aftertalk (EN) with Robyn Orlin & Albert Ibokwe Khoza