Ben Rivers — It's About Time
British artist and filmmaker Ben Rivers shares his fascination with time in four recent film-installations
➤ STUK Expozaal
➤ Ongoing (19:00-23:00)
➤ 19:30-19:45: Introduction by curator Karen Verschooren
In his practice the artist and experimental filmmaker Ben Rivers (°1972, Somerset, UK) treads the line between fiction and non-fiction. Fusing the mystical and the mundane, the cosmic and the personal, mythology and uncertainty, he creates narratives imagining alternative existences in marginal worlds. His films range from themes exploring unknown wilderness territories to candid and intimate portrayals of real-life subjects. In It's About Time, Rivers presents four recent film installations. A labyrinth for instance leads you to his most recent film The Minotaur; a short story about a child chased to the deepest core of a maze. Or you will discover how slow time passes for a sloth in the jungle in Costa Rica. A selection of photographs, drawings and watercolours complete Ben Rivers’ first solo exhibition in Belgium, plunging us deeper into the striking imagery of his otherworldly times and spaces.
1 ticket for the entire night
FREE with KU Leuven Culture Card
€16 without KU Leuven Culture Card