Ryusoke Kiyasu
Sound   /   Sound Art

Beyond Music #8: Ryosuke Kiyasu / Pierre Berthet & Rie Nakajima / Clarice Calvo-Pinsolle / Boris de Klerk & Finn Borath

Ear-blowing parcours along four short sound performances by Ryosuke Kiyasu / Pierre Berthet & Rie Nakajima / Clarice Calvo-Pinsolle / Boris de Klerk & Finn Borath


20:00: Start (Labozaal)

Clarice Calvo-Pinsolle — Muescence
Boris de Klerk & Finn Borath — Chamber Pieces
Pierre Berthet & Rie Nakajima
Ryosuke Kiyasu

22:00: end


➤ Thursday 20 March 2025 - 20:00
➤ STUK Labozaal
➤ €16 / €12 (STUK card) / €8 (KU Leuven Culture Card / -19)
➤ Concert with open doors. Flexible setting: standing, pillows or stools.

Beyond Music is STUK's sound performance laboratory. Expect an ear-blowing parcours along four short interventions at the intersection of sound, image, space and body.

The parcours starts in the Labozaal with French-Belgian artist Clarice Calvo-Pinsolle (a.k.a. Lamina). Her performance Muescence uses water and dried clay, which she moulds into three ceramic sculptures. The air escaping from the clay into the water creates tiny bubbles that are captured with ‘hydrophones’ (underwater microphones). These bubbling sounds envelop the audience in an alienating sonic experience, spread over four loudspeakers.

In Chamber Piece, Dutch artists Finn Borath & Boris de Klerk start from eight fluorescent lamps (TL tubes). They modify the voltages sent to the bulbs and amplify the electronics. Thus, the duo fires bright flashes of light and powerful pulses of sound at the audience. An audiovisual improvisation full of hypnotic rhythms.

After the break, we walk from the Labozaal to the Expozaal, where Belgian-Japanese sound art duo Pierre Berthet & Rie Nakajima will perform their signature acoustic performance. Cans, whistles, bowls, ping-pong balls, branches, plastic bags, silver paper, buckets, umbrellas, metal pipes, bamboo sticks, stones: Berthet & Nakajima make use of everyday objects. They bring them to life by banging, scratching, rattling, throwing, plucking, making their acoustic shadows dance around. One way to get closer to the inherent state of things is to listen to them.

The night ends with Japanese phenomenon Ryosuke Kiyasu. Kiyasu is the king of the snare drum. He creates solo performances with just that one percussion instrument, which he masters like no one else. Active since 2003, Kiyasu has released more than 200 albums, solo, with his band, with Keiji Haino, and in collaboration with many others. The man is a hit on social media, but his performances are more than just a gimmick: with his extreme style, insane technique and Spartan touring schedule, he carries pure energy and virtuosity to all corners of the planet.

Credits Boris de Klerk & Finn Borath

Concept & Performance Boris de Klerk & Finn Borath Funded by Janivo Stichting, Stimuleringsfonds Created in residency with STUK Leuven, BAU & The Grey Space in the Middle Special thanks to Feikes Huis

Thu 20 Mar 2025 20:00


STUK Labozaal


€16 (standard)
€12 (STUK card)
€8 (KU Leuven Culture Card / -19)