Robbert&Frank Frank&Robbert


Doors of Perception is a mural installation by the Ghent artist duo Robbert&Frank Frank&Robbert in two parts. On the wall next to the entrance of SLAC (Dirk Boutslaan 60-62) you can find the Winter intervention. At Abdij van Park, near the vegetable garden, the Summer version is installed. Two line-drawn figures with triangle heads, abstract versions of Robbert & Frank, open a door to a summer and winter landscape with bisons. The bison or American buffalo symbolizes abundance, and the merging power between the spiritual and earthly. In the mural at the Abbey, the trial-headed figures are accompanied by a dancing gang gathered to celebrate the solstice.

Doors of Perception are part of the exhibition project As You Think So Shall You Become. Also part of that same project is the installation Go Away Sorrow of the World, presented in Sluispark until June 22.

Curator: Karen Verschooren

With the support of City of Leuven, SLAC, Abdij van Park

Frank&Robbert Robbert&Frank

Since 2012, Frank and Robbert go through life as the artist duo Robbert&Frank Frank&Robbert. This intense collaboration forms the basis for their artistic practice and symbolizes their vision on friendship, collectivity, interplay and knowledge sharing. Together, they realise a multidisciplinary body of works, containing objects, prints, installations, videos, actions in public places and cross-over performances on the border between arts and theatre. With their works, they actively relate to the global society and formulate questions and poetical alternatives. Their work has been presented in solo exhibitions in a.o. Fred&Ferry Gallery (Antwerp), Croxhapox (Ghent), Netwerk (Aalst), Lage Egal Gallery (Berlin), Buda (Kortrijk) and Be-Part (Waregem), and in group shows in a.o. Baro Gallery (Sao Paulo), Charlama Contemporary Art Gallery (Sarajevo), Panthera Art Space (Brussels), Belvédère (Rotterdam), KW Institute for Contemporary Art (Berlin), Dr. Guislain Museum (Ghent) and BOZAR (Brussels).

They graduated with a master’s degree in visual arts from KASK Ghent in 2012. Since January 2021, they are represented by Fred&Ferry Gallery (Antwerp).

@r_and_f @stukleuven #Doorsofperception

Tue 24 May 2022 10:00 - Wed 6 Jul 2022 18:00


SLAC / Abdij van Park

