Leuven danst Rosas danst Rosas
Watch as dozens of Leuven dancers of all ages and backgrounds perform the famous chair scene from Rosas danst Rosas in Leuven.
Dozens of dancers of all ages and backgrounds learn the famous chair scene from the equally famous dance performance Rosas danst Rosas. The performance was first staged in Leuven in 1983 at the Leuven Stadsschouwburg and was immortalized on film in 1997 by Thierry De Mey at the Henry Van de Velde building, which now houses the Tweebronnen City Library.
In February 2025, Rosas danst Rosas will once again be performed in Leuven, this time by residents of Leuven at striking locations across the city! Filmmaker David Jacobs (Jacowbski) captures it all on camera. The resulting film will be showcased throughout the entire Body of Work festival in the Vitrine at STUK.
➤ 20.02 premiere of the film during the opening night of the Body of Work festival in the STUKCafé
➤ From 20.02 to 09.03 in loop in STUK's Vitrine (entrance hall, Naamsestraat level).
➤ Free of charge
Coordination and artistic direction: Freya Pauwels & Stéphanie Jager (Dansvloer)Film: David Jacobs (Jacowbski)
Instructors: Sue-Yeon Youn and Yuika Hashimoto (Rosas)
Coaches: Nell Hurdebise, Amaryllis Heighelman, Inès Batalla, Clara Soto, Nina Fortanet, Luna Stalliviere (2nd year WAYS Training Program, Saint-Genesius Rode)
Thanks to: all participants
Inspired by Re:Rosas, the fABULEUS Rosas Remix project