Puce Mary © borshch
Sound   /   Concert

Puce Mary / Razen (live organ)

Epic wall of sound and ripping noise from Danish composer Puce Mary, alongside ensemble-in-resident Razen braving the Beguinage Church's 17th-century organ.

Puce Mary replaces Ka Baird, who has cancelled her upcoming tour due to personal reasons.

➤ Date 06.05.22 → 20:00
➤ Address: Sint-Jan-de-Doperkerk, Groot Begijnhof, Leuven
➤ Tickets: €10 / €6 reduction (STUK card or KU Leuven Culture Card)
➤ Seated concert with closed doors. Be on time - latecomers will not be able to enter.
➤ Accessibility: The space is wheelchair accessible.


20:00 Doors
20:15 Razen
21:15 Puce Mary
22:00 End

Belgian ensem­ble Razen explo­res the no man’s land bet­ween dro­ne, folk music, psy­che­de­li­ca and old music. With half for­got­ten instru­ments such as the shawm or the gur­dy, they cre­a­te long impro­vi­sa­ti­ons ran­ging from bare­ly audi­ble to demo­nic ecs­ta­sy. They pre­fer older tunings, allo­wing for a bet­ter hea­ring of over­to­nes and acous­tic inter­fe­ren­ces. Razen came in resi­d­en­cy in the beau­ti­ful Beguinage Church last year and expe­ri­men­ted with the monu­men­tal church organ, as well as the acous­tics of the buil­ding. These recor­dings resul­ted in the upco­ming album Postcards From Hereafter to be relea­sed in September by Important Records.

Puce Mary is the solo moniker of experimental musician and sound artist Frederikke Hoffmeier. Oft-identified with the now-generation of industrial noise - Puce Mary has a reputation for intense live performances that span from gripping renditions of cinematic compositions to the full-on fury of off-the-cuff harsh noise. With countless releases (most recently on the multi-disciplinary label PAN), performances and collaborations with artists such as Kali Malone, Drew McDowall, Varg2TM and Loke Rahbek, Puce Mary has reached wide acclaim for her powerful and unique blend of modern experimental electronic and noise music.

Fri 6 May 2022 20:00


Begijnhofkerk (Sint-Jan-de-Doperkerk) Leuven


€10 standard
€6 reduction (STUK card or KU Leuven Culture Card)