Daniel Linehan, Michael Helland & Anneleen Keppens / Hiatus

Vita Activa

An interactive workshop on ‘time and ‘work’.

What is an 'active' life? What does being 'productive' mean to you? What is the value of work in society? And what is your role in this?

STUK invites 20 participants of any generation and background to join Daniel Linehan, Michael Helland and Anneleen Keppens of dance company Hiatus for one week for an interactive workshop on the themes of 'time' and 'work'.

Applying methods from their dance practice, they will offer you artistic tools to take a new perspective on your talents and skills and sharing them with others. Everyone is on an equal footing. In an interactive game of supply and demand, an alternative economy of valuable exchange emerges: a retired teacher teaches all about edible wild plants to the economics student who in turn shares tactical moves in a game of chess. Someone learns how to make a traditional lasagna in exchange for an initiation lindy hop. Your bike might get repaired in exchange for an hour of gardening, ...

For Vita Activa Linehan drew inspiration from time banking and the same-named term from philosopher Hannah Arendt's theory. She distinguished between different types of work. And you guessed it: Daniel Linehan set out to blur the line between these different types of work. Dancing, writing, ironing, speaking, gardening, doing research, cooking, giving a massage, babysitting ... in Linehan's world, one is not so far removed from the other.

An unforgettable experience awaits you, that will change your view on time and work.

Who are we looking for?

People of all ages and backgrounds who are curious about what they can do for each other, who enjoy sharing experiences and want to commit to spending 5 days together.
Your age, background, experience or education, job or hobby do not matter.

Practical info

  • From Monday, April 22 to Friday, April 26 2024
  • Every day from 10h30 till 16h30
  • At STUK, Naamsestraat 96, Leuven
  • In English and Dutch
  • Guided by Daniel Linehan, Michael Helland and Anneleen Keppens
  • Workshop participation is free. STUK offers you a daily delicious lunch buffet. Other expenses are not reimbursed.

During the workshop, photos will be taken and filmed for a video report. As a participant, you agree to these being published on the (online) channels of Hiatus, STUK, their (European) partner organizations, subsidizing governments and the press.

Signing up?

Would you like to participate in Vita Activa? You can sign up via this link.
Don't wait too long. 20 people can participate and those who register first get priority.
If you have any questions about the workshop please email them to

Co-funded by the European Union's Creative Europe program as part of DANCE ON, PASS ON, DREAM ON

Mon 22 Apr 2024 10:30 - Fri 26 Apr 2024 16:30




FREE, registration required