
Working on the Urban Metabolism

In the work of Architectuurplatform Terwecoren-Verdickt, design and design-oriented research occupy a fundamental place. Architecture and building require effort, time, resources, energy and have an impact on the environment. Careful handling of these costly matters requires critical questioning and well-considered decisions.

In addition to being a designer, the architect is also an activist. The architect need not be blind to societal problems outside of his or her profession. Annekatrien Verdickt founded the non-profit organization Filter Café Atelier in 2019. This initiative campaigns for a healthier public space by, among other things, closing streets that are otherwise only used for car traffic. As a summer experiment, for example, Rue Picard was closed for a whole month in Brussels. The result was not only greater safety for children playing and better air quality, but also a surprising revival of social life in and around the street. The non-profit association always uses the tools that an architect is good at: they take a close look at problem spots, think up solutions and visualise the future of a liveable and healthy city. After the lecture, moderator Hanne Van Gils, an architect at Endeavour specialising in spaces for children, heritage and the inclusive city, will elaborate on acute activism and the long-term re-appropriation of public space.

Architectuurplatform Terwecoren-Verdickt is an architecture firm from Brussels with a series of high-profile projects such as the building materials village in Brussels, the visitors' centre of the Port of Ghent, the redevelopment of the Delhaize site in Sint-Jans-Molenbeek and the development of Eilandje 2 in Antwerp. In addition to their practice, they regularly give lectures at home and abroad, and their work has often been shown in international architecture exhibitions.

lecture series on architecture, urban planning and design

How does slowness manifest itself in space? What does a slow process look like? Can we resist fastness? Can we resist thinking about time and space as a commodity? How to tell a story about slow space? Who are the protagonists (anti-heroes) of this story? Is there a Slow Movement rising? Who are the designers and artists that care about slowness? How do they do it? What is the right slow attitude? The perfect slow setting? Best slow vibes?

PARTNERS: STUK, KU Leuven architecture department, KU Leuven Culture, Existenz / SUPPORT BY: City of Leuven, Flemish government / SPONSORING: FEBELCEM, Vandersanden Group, Media A+ Architecture in Belgium / Graphic design: Buro Bertus

Wed 27 Apr 2022 20:00


College De Valk 01.13 / Tiensestraat 41, 3000 Leuven


€9 standard
STUK card
€5 students
€2,5 students KUL architecture dep.
S&A members

