Grijze cellen Leuven | een toekomst zonder kanker?
Lectures and talks (in Dutch) by and with Hans Clevers and Peter Carmeliet
Lectures by and a conversation with Hans Clevers and Peter Carmeliet, two renowned scientists who are responsible for cutting-edge research in the field of cancer treatment.
Hans Clevers (UMC Utrecht and Prinses Máxima Centre for Paediatric Oncology) developed a method using stemcell research to direct cancer medication on the genome of a patient. Virtually at the same time, the VIB research team led by Peter Carmeliet (VIB and KU Leuven) discovered a way to stop the growth of tumours by starving cancer cells. The lectures of Hans Clevers and Peter Carmeliet are followed by a conversation on pioneering cancer research.
The science series Gray Cells is organised by deBuren together with the scientific magazine Eos, FWO (Fonds Wetenschappelijk Onderzoek - Vlaanderen), Concertzaal Handelsbeurs in Ghent, KU Leuven and STUK. More information about all the Gray Cells lectures can be found at www.deburen.eu