Nadah El Shazly © Yazan El Zubi
Sound   /   Concert

In Vitro 5: Nadah El Shazly / Marija Rasa / Moogy Maserati (dj)

In vitro & STUK in Studio Manhattan:

IV5: Nadah El Shazly & Elvin Brandhi, Marija Rasa & Moogy Maserati (dj)

Egyptian composer-vocalist Nadah El Shazly returns to Belgium after five years with new songs, alongside delicate downtempo compositions by Marija Rasa.


➤ Saturday 01.04 - 20:00
➤ Studio Manhattan - Kolonel Begaultlaan 21, Leuven
➤ €12 / €8 (STUK card / KU Leuven Culture Card)
➤ To be combined with: Elise Eeraerts and Roberto Aparicio Ronda (expo)


19:30 doors + bar
20:00 Marija Rasa
21:30 Nadah El Shazly (solo)
22:00 Nadah El Shazly & Elvin Brandhi
22:30 Moogy Maserati (dj) - café
00:00 end

• Marija Rasa

Born in Lithuania, living in Brussels: musician and sound artist Marija Rasa explores in her practice sonic spatialization, texture, and fragility. Since her studies at the Institute of Sonology in The Hague (NL) , she has been working on a series of acousmatic pieces for multichannel speaker setups. In these compositions, she carefully sculpts fictional soundscapes out of delicate noise, electronic sounds, and field recordings of quiet places, attentively put together by using a micro montage approach. Incorporating spacial music practises (quadraphonic sound) Marija Rasa will present her album sea salt, written under the alias emer, released on the Chicago based label Lillerne.

Nadah El Shazly & Elvin Brandhi

Montreal-based composer and vocalist Nadah El Shazly is one of the leading voices in the electronic underground scene of Cairo, Egypt. Her 2017 debut album Ahwar combines the popular music of her homeland with radically new sounds. Her melancholic voice meanders over hypnotic rhythms and microtonal keyboard melodies. After years of touring and composing for film, Nadah El Shazly is currently working on a second album, from which she will exclusively present new material.

Elvin Brandhi is an improvising lyricist, producer, and sound artist based in Bridgend, Wales. She builds aberrant beats from field recordings, tape, vinyl, instrument, voice and is a fearless experimentalist and musical livewire act. Beside her work in the father and daughter duo Yeah You, Brandhi is an extremely prolific collaborative artist, creating varied music as the duo Bad@Maths and the band BAHK alongside Daniel Blumberg. This Saturday she will continue her collaborative streak, investigating the mix between electronics and voice together with Nadah El Shazly.

Moogy Maserati

Moogy Maserati is a Brussels-based DJ and artist, blending love songs, emotional (hard)core and daily recordings into mixes that range from sleepy to chaotic. Either slow or fast, her mixes are consistently hitting hard for emotional nights.

Sat 1 Apr 2023 20:00


  • Kolonel Begaultlaan 21
  • 3012 Leuven


€12 (standard)
€8 (reduction)