Elise Eeraerts & Roberto Aparicio Ronda - like snakes, the roots of trees, coil themselves from rock and sand

'like snakes, the roots of trees, coil themselves from rock and sand' is the title of the solo exhibition that Elise Eeraerts and Roberto Aparicio Ronda will be preparing in Studio STUK Manhattan between from 6-21st of March.

The title comes from an excerpt from Goethe's Faust when a wandering light appears in the swamp. During their residency, Eeraerts and Aparicio Ronda will create an installation inspired by the Kirkpatrick Marsh; a peat bog in the United States where climate research makes us face the facts while the fabulous landscapes and soundscapes blow our minds.

The exhibition is a co-production of STUK, i.c.w. Cas-co and with the support of the City of Leuven. The research was supported by the Smithsonian Institution in Washington DC through an Artist Research Fellowship from the Smithsonian Environmental Research Center (SERC) (2019 cohort).

(1986, Mechelen, BE)
(1981, Burgos, SP)

Since 2012, Elise Eeraerts & Roberto Aparicio Ronda have been developing a multidisciplinary practice focusing mainly on the relationship between art and architecture. Their projects substantialize in natural settings or urban public space, where site-specificity, history and material transformations are the subject of their research.

As the most primitive material, earth occupies an important central role within their practice: from explorations of land and excavations therein, to the appropriation of various types of soil and its processing into objects and spatial installations. In their recent work, Eeraerts and Aparicio Ronda examine the role of land and landscape from a climate science perspective. In a thought-provoking, often visceral way, they allow current conventions from the anthropocene to collide with ideas and traditions whereby humans have and continue to appropriate nature.