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PAM x Misoogst

PAM (Platform for Audiovisual and Media Arts) groeide uit een diverse verzameling organisaties en deskundigen in de videokunst, geluidskunst en mediakunst. PAM nodigt iedereen die in de mediakunst werkt om samen te komen, gemeenschappelijke onderwerpen te bespreken en kennis en tools te delen over de ontwikkeling, productie, verspreiding, presentatie en reflectie van en over audiovisuele en mediakunsten.

De volgende PAMsessies vindt plaats op 16 september 2022 om 15:00 als onderdeel van Misoogst, een interactieve ontmoeting in Cas-co Leuven, waar initiatieven en artiesten samenkomen die werken rond groene structuren, ecologie en (stedelijke) agricultuur. Op het kruispunt van kunst en landbouw presenteren ze hun praktijken en geven ze inzicht in hun relatie tot alle niet-menselijke entiteiten rondom ons.

Werktank nodigde Katinka de Jonge, Julia Eckhardt, Christoph De Boeck, Aernoudt Jacobs en Cirkel Mediakunst Leuven uit. Ze bespreken elk een specifiek thema tijdens vier rondetafelgesprekken.

Katinka de Jonge werd door STUK ondersteund door een residentie - meer info over die residentie vind je hier.

Sustainable development and ecosystems - Katinka de Jonge

How can the metaphor of an ecosystem contribute to the sustainable development of an art practice or organization? Through various conversational formats, artist and researcher Katinka de Jonge invites you to map your own ecosystem, and thereby reflect on concepts such as sustainability, producing versus decomposing, and non-human influences on an artistic practice.

Katinka de Jonge works as an artist and is a PhD researcher at Hasselt University (BE), where she conducts research about artistic self-organization and artist-run spaces. In her work she explores 'locality', focusing on the complex relations between design and everyday life, and emphasizing polyphony and the function of language and dialogue in specific contexts. This can be a neighbourhood, but also an (art) organization or a specific (oral) history surrounding a place. She works with different media, which are often approached in a participatory way: audio, text, performance and (spatial) installations are recurring forms.

Art/Non-Art Crossover Collaborations Christoph De Boeck and Aernoudt Jacobs

What is your favorite collaboration with a non-artistic partner? It could be a sponsor who lends you some audiovisual material, a scientific institute for your art-science proposal, a hospital or other social services for your community project, local authorities, a city with a Capital of Culture programme, expertise at university or other schools, technical support from an industry, real estate owners for an atelier… let’s exchange tips and experiences!

The discussion is moderated by Christoph De Boeck and Aernoudt Jacobs who have been running Overtoon, a platform for research, production and distribution of sound art and sound-based installation art. Both sound artists have initiated many collaborations with different kinds of actors over the last fifteen years.

Curatorial responsibilities -Julia Eckhardt

Organising and curating implies responsibility, especially when it comes to efforts for diversification and just representation. In what way is this a political rather than an aesthetic question? How far can we go in enlarging the scope of our program, and still stay personally and affectively involved? What practical tools can be useful for feedback on the meaningfulness of curatorial work

Julia Eckhardt is a musician and artistic co-director of Q-O2 workspace in Brussels. As a performer of composed and improvised music she has collaborated with numerous artists, and extensively with Éliane Radigue. She is (co-)author of several publications on aspects of sonic arts and music.

Cirkel Mediakunst –Werktank

Which role do you see Media-Art and Sound Art playing in Leuven?

What are the challenges, the desires, possibilities and bottlenecks?

How does the Leuven community relate to the big city centres Brussels, Antwerp and Gent? How can we build upon this community and strengthen it? Come and exchange ideas about Media-Art and Sound-Art in Leuven.

Werktank is een productie platform voor mediakunst op het snijvlak van kunst, technologie en kunst in Leuven. Cirkel Mediakunst brengt Leuvense artiesten, organisaties, curatoren en producers samen uit de mediakunst.


PAM is een inclusief platform: wil je er graag deel van uitmaken en op de hoogte gehouden worden van onze (online) meetings en activiteiten, stuur een mail naar info@pam.pm.

Ontdek hieronder de vorige edities van PAM p.m.


  • Vaartstraat 94
  • 3000 Leuven
