Stad Parijs © Joanne Hélàne Nussbaum
City of Paris - Charles-Antoine Depardon, Sophie Mourthé & Brussels bouwmeester Kristiaan Borret

Metropolis of co-existence

The City of Paris and the bouwmeester – maître architecte of Brussels will discuss on the topic of co-existence in the metropolitan context. Guest speakers are Charles-Antoine Depardon (FR) urban planning and architecture counselor of the vice-mayor of Paris, Sophie Mourthé (FR) landscape and ecological transition project manager for the city of Paris, and Kristiaan Borret (BE), bouwmeester of Brussels Capital Region.

In today’s social-ecological transition, the city of Paris and the Brussels Capital Region pursue urban development addressing social inclusion, sustainability, climate change, air quality, solidarity, innovation, and citizen participation, which are essential aspects defining the future of both metropolises. Charles-Antoine Depardon and Sophie Mourthé, with their colleagues in the city of Paris, promote an ambitious program to create socially and economically mixed districts to improve the overall quality of life for residents and to ensure an ‘ecological transformation’ of the capital. Kristiaan Borret, as the bouwmeester – maître architecte of the Brussels Capital Region (BMA), stimulates and supervises the quality of urban development projects and tackles the co-existence of the working and living spaces, the social mix, and the evolution of mobility in the transformation of Brussels. The conversation will discuss the challenges of co-existence in the environmental, mobility and the social transition within the metropolitan area and more.

LANGUAGE English & French

WHEN Thursday 30 November 2023 at 20:00

WHERE STUK Auditorium, Naamsestraat 96, 3000 Leuven

TICKETS via | | 016 14 66 88

PRICES € 9 | STUK members € 7 | students € 5 | S&A members free entry > members can request a ticket by sending an email to



Lecture series architecture, urbanism and landscape

Curator: Studio Paola Viganò


In the framework of today’s socio-ecological transition, different human and non-human communities need to live together in new ways of life: how to live with wild nature in the city, how can underprivileged communities find their space in dense metropolitan areas, how can different activities come together in public spaces, etc. This lecture series focuses on the creation of new typologies of space, which accommodate and inspire new ways of life through a technical, political, and ethical process of collective choices.


26.10.2023 / AV aula 91.12
Chloé Bodart & Agnes Pelletier (FR)
Everyday co-existence

30.11.2023 / STUK
Stad Parijs - Charles-Antoine Depardon, Sophie Mourthé, Kristiaan Borret
Metropolis of co-existence

29.02.2024 / STUK
Dirk Sijmons (NL)
Urban-Nature co-existence

21.03.2024 / STUK
Gabu Heindl (AU)
Landscape(s) of co-existence

02.05.2024 / STUK
Dilip da Cunha (IN)
Co-existence with water

08.05.2023 / STUK
Paola Viganò (IT), Viviana d'Auria (IT) & Greet De Block (BE)
Discussion around P. Viganò The Biopolitical Garden

Thu 30 Nov 2023 20:00


STUK Auditorium


€ 9 (standard)
€ 7 (STUK card)
€ 5 (student)
€ 4 (KU Leuven culture card)
Free (members S&A > request your ticket via mail at