
Melodies Are So Far My Best Friend

PRICE – the alter ego of Mathias Ringgenberg – is a queer hybrid character. He embodies the emotional disorientation of a generation that grew up with mass culture, neoliberalism and the ubiquity of the internet. If we continue to consume more language more quickly and superficially, will we still be able to use language instinctively and emotionally? PRICE is appealing to movement and music to answer this question. He creates an in-between space in an improvised encounter with music producer Cecile Believe and pianist Sebastien Hirsig.

Pictures © Reto Schmid

Part of EXTRACT #2

Extract #2 is a platform for seven artists who have been working in STUK’s studios in recent years. What these artists have in common is their interest in challenging the established standards. The mini festival is concluded with the symposium Transforming Relations which offers a theoretical framework and zooms in on how choreography can redefine calibrated gender relations.


19:30 Varinia Canto Vila – By Getting One's Hand Dirty
20:30 Kat Válastur – Rasp Your Soul
21:30 PRICE – Melodies Are So Far My Best Friend

18:30 - 22:30 Stav Yeini – The Senders

20:30 Sonja Jokiniemi – Blab
21:30 Thiago Granato – Trrr

14:00 - 18:00 Symposium Transforming Relations: Dance & Difference
20:30 Sonja Jokiniemi – Blab
21:30 Lisa Vereertbruggen – Softcore - A Hardcore Encounter


artistic direction PRICE (Mathias Ringgenberg) | music and performance PRICE | music producer Cecile Believe | piano Sebastian Hirsig | light and camera Mirjam Graf | costume design in collaboration with BARRAGÁN | dramaturgy Tom Engels | movement research Isabel Lewis | co-production Arsenic – Contemporary Performing Arts Center Lausanne, Tanzhaus Zürich, Life Long Burning EU | supported by Pro Helvetia, Swiss Cultural Foundation en Fondation Nestlé pour l'Art
Tue 23 Apr 2019 21:30


STUK Studio

