Lisa Vereertbrugghen

SOFTCORE – a hardcore encounter

Evolving around hardcore and pornography, camouflage, speed and breaking, choreographer Lisa Vereertbrugghen questions both the hard and the core in hardcore techno and points to its text(ure) and potential. The performer dances, speaks, rests, feels, occupies, dances, dances, dances and remains in hardcore. At 200 beats per minute hardcore is techno on amphetamines. It is rave gone crazy. It is the sound of the underdog, What if dancing so fast can be a way to appropriate speed not for being more productive, but for the opposite: Speed becomes a way to increase sensations and to elude control.

Part of EXTRACT #2

Extract #2 is a platform for seven artists who have been working in STUK’s studios in recent years. What these artists have in common is their interest in challenging the established standards. The mini festival is concluded with the symposium Transforming Relations which offers a theoretical framework and zooms in on how choreography can redefine calibrated gender relations.


19:30 Varinia Canto Vila – By Getting One's Hand Dirty
20:30 Kat Válastur – Rasp Your Soul
21:30 PRICE – Melodies Are So Far My Best Friend

18:30 - 22:30 Stav Yeini – The Senders

20:30 Sonja Jokiniemi – Blab
21:30 Thiago Granato – Trrr

14:00 - 18:00 Symposium Transforming Relations: Dance & Difference
20:30 Sonja Jokiniemi – Blab
21:30 Lisa Vereertbruggen – Softcore - A Hardcore Encounter


concept, choreography and performance Lisa Vereertbrugghen | sound Michael Langeder | light Vera Martins | artistic advice Madison Bycroft, Sabine Cmelniski, Nestor Garcia Diaz | co-production CENTRALE FIES within the program of LIVE WORKS PERFORMANCE ACT AWARD, STUK - House for Dance, Image & Sound, , BUDA Kunstencentrum, BIT Teatergarasjen | supported by CAMPO, Tanzfabrik, Workspace Brussels, SZENE Salzburg | funded by de Vlaamse Overheid, apap – Performing Europe 2020, co-funded by the Creative Programme of the European Union
Fri 26 Apr 2019 21:30


STUK Studio

