Sound   /   Sound Art

Hear Here

Walk along sound art in Leuven
23.04 → 6.06

Hear Here takes you on a trip through sound art in Leuven. Fourteen resounding artworks are spread out across ten heritage locations. Every installation engages in an acoustic dialogue with the architecture and the surroundings. The solid brick walls of the KADOC chapel resonate differently from the Botanical Garden in full spring. This relation between sound, acoustics and perception is a key element in sound art. From buzzing bees to droning organ pipes, from the search for silence to noise disturbance in the North Sea: Hear Here is a surprising discovery route for all ages. Put on those walking boots and experience Leuven heritage sites with different ears and eyes.


Liew Niyomkarn | Esther Venrooij | Céleste Boursier-Mougenot | Stijn Demeulenaere | John Grzinich | Bouke Groen | Rie Nakajima | Phillip Sollmann & Konrad Sprenger | An Roovers | Félix Blume | Floris Vanhoof | Maika Garnica & Nico Dockx | Amber Meulenijzer | Christoph De Boeck


Stadhuis/Visit Leuven (start) / M Leuven / KADOC / Stadspark / Janseniuspark / Anatomisch Theater / Kruidtuin / BAC ART LAB KU Leuven / Cas-co / Maakleerplek

Modular Organ System will sound from Wednesday through Saturday at the following times:

  • 14:30 — 15:10
  • 16:00 — 16:40
  • 17:30 — 18:10

Different opening hours on Sunday 5 & Monday 6 June, due to the concert by Kali Malone & Stephen O'Malley on Monday 6 June.

  • Sunday 5 June: open 14:00 — 16:00
  • Monday 6 June: closed all day


Besides an exhi­bi­ti­on, Hear Here also offers a live pro­gram­me at various loca­ti­ons in Leuven. Amber Meulenijzer will give a per­for­man­ce with her Saab Sculpture during the ope­ning drink, An Roovers and Floris Vanhoof will give a talk about their works, Maika Garnica and Vica Pacheco will cre­a­te per­for­ma­ti­ve sounds­ca­pes with cera­mic sound objects. Furthermore, the German duo Phillip Sollmann and Konrad Sprenger invi­te com­po­ser Kali Malone and Sun O)))-founder Stephen O’Malley to work with the Modular Organ System. Finally, the ensem­ble Razen bra­ves the 17th-cen­tu­ry organ of the Beguinage Church, flan­ked by New York based voi­ce artist Ka Baird, and trans­dis­ci­pli­na­ry artist Begüm Erciyas moves into the Meerdaal forest for an eve­ning lis­te­ning session.

Dates & opening hours

23 April → 6 June 202

Opening hours:
Wednesday → Sunday
14:00 → 19:00* (clo­sed on Monday & Tuesday)
* Different ope­ning hours:
Monday 6 June: par­cours open, except for Anatomical Theater
M Leuven: Closed after 18:00 & on Wednesday
Kruidtuin: Closed after 17:00 in April
Anatomical Theater: Closed on Monday 6 June


Town Hall (Visit Leuven)
Address: Naamsestraat 3 3000 Leuven

Maps are avai­la­ble at the start at Visit Leuven in the City Hall or at the various loca­ti­ons.
You can also use the inter­ac­ti­ve map on this website.

By foot:
The enti­re par­cours takes approx. 2,5 à 3 hours (inclu­ding visit to the instal­la­ti­ons).
If you do not have time for the who­le par­cours, you can also choo­se one of the 3 ​‘dis­tricts’: Centrum — Kruidtuin — Vaartkom.

By bike:
You can also do it by bike, which will take approx. 1,5 à 2 hours.
You can­not go from Naamsestraat to Schapenstraat by bike via Van Dalepark (stairs), instead go via Ramberg.


Most of the loca­ti­ons are wheel­chair acces­si­ble unless other­wi­se not­ed in the info about the works.

Families & children

Visiting Hear Here with kids? Then don’t miss our child­ren’s gui­de (in Dutch). The gui­de is free and avai­la­ble at the start at Visit Leuven in the Town Hall and at the various indoor locations.

Earcatcher Pieter Janssens

Especially for Hear Here, visu­al artist Pieter Janssens from Leuven cre­a­ted a public lis­te­ning sculp­tu­re. This ​‘earcat­cher’ is loca­ted on the Grote Markt and invi­tes you to lis­ten con­scious­ly to the sounds of the city.



More info & contact

For ques­ti­ons, you can go to Visit Leuven from 10:00 to 17:00. At each work of art the­re is an infor­ma­ti­on panel and some­ti­mes also an atten­dant, who will be hap­py to help you. For all other ques­ti­ons: ticket@​stuk.​be


➤ Organisation: STUK - House for Dance, Image & Sound
➤ Partners: 200 jaar Kruidtuin, BAC ART LAB KU Leuven, Cas-co, CCHA, Erfgoedcel Leuven, Franse Gemeenschap, Groendienst Leuven, KADOC, KIKK, KU Leuven, KU Leuven Dienst Cultuur, KU Leuven Wetenschap & technologie, KU Leuven Research & Development, M Leuven, Maakleerplek, Overtoon, Resiterra, Singuhr, Sonic Acts, Stad Leuven, Stadhuis Leuven, Visit Leuven, Vlaamse Gemeenschap, Warm Alarm
➤ Inspirators: Carsten Seiffarth (Singuhr) & Maud Seuntjens (Sonic Acts)

Sat 23 Apr 2022 14:00 - Mon 6 Jun 2022 19:00
Sat 23 Apr 2022 14:00 - Mon 6 Jun 2022 19:00


Stadhuis/Visit Leuven, Naamsestraat 3 (start)



More info

All guided tours start at KADOC, Vlamingenstraat 39.
Individual visits (without guide) start at Visit Leuven, Naamsestraat 3.